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About Us

Welcome to the official Lacey’s Kitchen website! Thank you for taking the time to stop by and check things out. My name is Lacey and I am the one responsible for creating the delicious menus and preparing your food. I’m just your average girl who enjoys traveling, good music, good food, exploring the outdoors and going on adventures. I've been an athlete my whole life and even carried my abilities into collegiate athletics.


Years after, I still find it natural to stay active through working out, yoga, hiking, being outdoors, and maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle. But what does a ‘healthy lifestyle’ even mean? To me, a healthy lifestyle is taking care of yourself; body, mind and spirit. I try my best to eat what's good for me, even though I really love cheeseburgers and french fries. I love trying new foods and dishes and I love educating myself about new foods and ingredients to use in my recipes.


I've been cooking for as long as I can remember, but I’ve mostly flourished into my current cooking style over the past two to three years. With practice and research, I've been able to learn more about which foods, spices and ingredients are good for us. I’ve eliminated the bad ingredients and turned my recipes into delicious meals that fuel our body and give us the nutrition we need.


My passion is to change the way we look at living a healthy lifestyle. In my opinion, healthy doesn't mean a bland, small portioned, unappetizing meal. We can keep all of the good flavors and realistic portions by learning which ingredients fuel and heal our body positively. So that's what I'm here to do, to change the way you look at ‘healthy!’ I'm here to help and encourage you to try a couple meals so you too can see how healthy should taste and feel. So get out there and find what makes you happy! Do what makes your soul feel good, eat some good food and be happy. LIFE IS TOO SHORT NOT TO BE! Thanks for stopping by and getting to know a little about me and what we do here at Lacey’s Kitchen!




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